Anaconda Papaya

Harmonic Circle

From Self-Knowledge to Self-Mastery

Italiano (presto)

Participating in a Harmonic Circle helps people reach their own self mastery and empowers people to have the tools to be what they really hope to be at the soul level. They use their talents to affect change in themselves and with people around them.

Join the Telegram group
Conducted in-person and online by Anaconda Papaya from 1990
Why I Came to Damanhur: Anaconda Papaya (EN/IT/DE/ES)

I’m Paolo Rivosecchi, also known as Anaconda Papaya. I was born in Italy in 1962. I began my spiritual journey at a young age and spent a decade living as a yogic monk in France and India.

I later opened a Yoga and Meditation Center in Milan where I also practiced Spiritual Hypnosis & NLP, and worked as a Spiritual Healer trained at Damanhur University since 1993.

More about Anaconda Papaya

What is the Harmonic Circle?

Understanding yourself and understanding others are two sides of the same coin: understanding human nature. The Harmonic Circle is a group of applied spiritual research, oriented towards improving the quality of life on our planet. 

A magical journey from separateness to conscious co-creation

The Harmonic Circle is divided into three areas of study and application based on the three Universal Laws of Magic from the Hermetic and Alchemical tradition:

  • Internal Communication, Law of Mentalism: "All is Mind, Thought creates"
  • Interpersonal Communication: Law of Resonance, "Like responds to Like"
  • Communication in Groups: Laws of Correspondence, "As Above, So Below"


Los Angeles, USA
HC participant,
Feb–May 2023
Beirut, Lebanon
HC participant,
May 2023–Present
Metn, Lebanon
HC participant,
May 2023–Present
Beirut, Lebanon
HC participant,
May 2023–Present
Beirut, Lebanon
HC participant,
May 2023–Present
Metn, Lebanon
HC participant,
May 2023–Present

“I would simply say that the Harmonic Circle was a life changing experience, where I learned how to listen, talk, behave, and BE, and it helped me to unlearn all the bullshit I have gathered in my life, to become the best version of myself, and to master who I am with a lot of fun in the process.”

Elias M. Farroukh
Beirut, Lebanon
HC participant,
May 2023–Present

“The Harmonic Circle opened my eyes to really see what lies within me. It gives me permission to aspire and truly set the intention to want more in my life. It teaches me discipline, introduces new simple concepts to practice regular observation, to see without judgment, that part of me. It makes me look forward as moments continue to unfold.”

Elena Ayash
Beirut, Lebanon
HC participant,
May 2023–Present

“The Harmonic Circle has helped me build an inner sanctuary by expanding my self awareness and working on my unacknowledged parts, allowing me to uncover elements of myself that have been buried. It shifted my self-communication and enhanced it with others. Thankful for this eye opening and soul nourishing experience.”

Sara Abillama
Beirut, Lebanon
HC participant,
May 2023–Present

“The Harmonic Circle has given me the tools I need to begin to make the most of my existence. I have control of my attention, for the first time in my life - and where you place your attention is where you live your life. I now feel a part of this world. It’s even easier to wake up in the mornings. The HC has given me that.”

George Barbari
Beirut, Lebanon
HC participant,
May 2023–Present

What’s Included?

  • 12 live, virtual sessions held weekly
  • Telegram Group for Support and Connection
  • Practical tools and daily training exercises
  • Video recordings available if you miss a session
  • “Until inner observation is developed, there is no Path” Padmasambhava


  • Increase personal synchronicity
  • Increase personal power and self awareness
  • attract the things you most want into your life
  • align with your soul path and what you desire in your life

Other services

I teach, mentor or coach individuals, groups, communities and businesses, both in person and online, in the many areas of my personal experience I am passionate about, from personal growth to conscious team or community building.


Connect the power of your mind to the wisdom of your heart to gain clarity, understand and overcome any obstacle on the human journey of your soul.

Ready to discover and unlock your hidden inner powers to overcome challenges or obstacles so you can develop and improve your life?

Learn more
Conducted via Zoom. 1hr session.

Past Life

Activate past lives in order to become who you can be in this lifetime.

Past Life Regression is a simple but effective way to understand your present by looking into your past.

By connecting the dots you can understand the past and present in order to impact your future.

Learn more
Conducted via Zoom. 1hr session.


Clarify your life mission and objectives and identify the tools/roadmap of how to get from point A to point B.

Includes removing internal obstacles like self-sabotage and imposter syndrome to embrace your authentic self and tap into your unlimited potential.

Learn more
Conducted via Zoom. 1hr session.

Living in Freedom: A Handbook for the Liberation of Humanity

This book will allow you to start a new life. Parts of this text have been sent, channeled to a woman who we have asked, at present, not to reveal her identity. This is important because now is not the time to bring attention to the writer or channels of the message but rather to the message itself.

Free Download
© Paolo Rivosecchi, 2023
‍P.IVA 12835040010